Praying For the Lost

You cannot draw anyone to Christ, but God can. If you want to see someone’s heart healed and eternal future secured, you must be praying. You pray Jesus seeks. We may pray for a person to find God, but Jesus said it the other way around. He said that He came to “seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10, ESV). Jesus does the seeking, and the Holy Spirit opens a person’s heart. There is no other way to get an unsaved person to respond.

That’s what we should be praying for; it took me years to understand that. When we pray urgently and faithfully by name for specific lost people, asking God to reach them, God works often in unique and unexpected ways to open hearts to Himself. If God has put a burden on your heart for an unbelieving loved one or friend, keep on praying. Jesus taught that we “ought always to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1).

_Billy Graham

Thus says the Lord God: “Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep.”

_Ezekiel 34:11, NKJV

The State of The Union

President Biden speech was on point he gave the American people what some wanted to hear. Some of the key points from his speech were cutting credit card fees from $38 dollars to $8 dollars. Raising minimum wages and making the 1% pay more in taxes instead of paying nothing. He also talked about putting more restrictions on gun control, upping border control, and stopping the smuggling of fentanyl entering our US borders. He also hit on putting more money into medicare and medicaid for the elderly and not decreasing the elderly social security. Biden also address domestic and foreign policy issues like standing up to China unfair trade practices and giving more aid to Gaza.

I also want the Biden administration to really focus on cutting college tuitions, increasing social security for the elderly. They need to focus on big corporations paying legislators money out of pocket to increase laws to keep the working class oppress and depress. By the high cost of rental property, personal loans, car loans, and a spike in high mortgages where people with bad credit is paying for a car or rental property 3x more than someone with good credit or excellent credit. There need to be rules put into place that lenders can only charge a certain percent to those who are overcharging consumers with bad credit. He also need to stop the companies that are putting less paper towels on the rolls but charging consumers twice for the paper towels. You see this in majority of the consumer products and its unfair to the American people.

The Biden administration needs to focus on women, the working class, war veterans, better health insurance, border control, and the elderly. I think these six categories will be the catalyst of him winning the 2024 election. I don’t care if your not a fan of either parties you still need to vote, everybody vote counts. The only way to get your voice heard and to make a difference is by voting. Never let nobody tell you your voice don’t matter because it do. Change will only come when you speakup and voice your opinion. African Americans have been trained for centuries to feel like their voice don’t matter and it’s not being heard; therefore they don’t vote. This come from centuries of oppression by the white man and his Jim Crow Laws by promoting fear and division between the blacks and whites.

Today is a new day for change. Americans may not agree on certain issues for change, but as a whole we need to come together and vote on the main issues that is going to move this country forward. We cannot do this by being divided. Democrats and Republicans need to be for all people not just the majority. Both parties fight to be in power amongst each other, but they forget who they are fighting for and that’s the American people. The American people wants both parties to stop fighting each other and start focusing on serious issues. The power lies within people not the two parties. The American people holds the power to choose who will represent this country. For the people who feel like they don’t have a voice, I need you to step up and voice all your issues to your heads of state because this is the only way real change will take place in America. It’s not about what party is right or wrong the power lies with the people and the people are us.

To my fellow Americans we have 8 months before electing our next President. I want you to look at all the issues that are on the line. I want you to look at the issues concerning your community. What is the crime and drug use in your district and county? What are the Judges and Sheriff department doing to stop the crimes and the selling of drugs in your area? Do the cops socialize with the people in the community? Who are your legislators? What type of laws are they creating? Who are benefiting from the laws that are being created. Why is the rental property so high? How can we change the demographics as a community? I want African Americans and all people as a whole to do a deep dive research before they vote. STOP!!!! Signing off on the “The Democrat party list of the ballot. The same goes for the Republican party voters know the issues, know your laws, know your rights, and then vote for the party that will fight for those issues and your rights as an American. Remember the people holds the power not the party.

The Last Thing I’ve Learned

Treat people how you would want to be treated. It’s so easy to hate, but hard to forgive. We all are humans at the end of the day none of us are perfect. Holding on to regrets and unforgiveness is not healthy for your mind and your soul. You can always love someone from a distance especially if it’s a family member that you never got along with or a colleague that you have no choice but to work with. Always be mindful when giving constructive criticism because some people will take it to heart. Last but not least it cost nothing to be nice.

Daily writing prompt
What is the last thing you learned?

Words Cut Like a Knife

As an Author I’m very careful what I put out on social media and the internet because once it’s out there you cannot retract what was said. As an inspirational writer I aspire to write informative inspirational stories that pulls at one’s heart strings instead of the nasty grimy, demeaning, celebrity gossip that we all are guilty of reading and watching on social media.

The Tareasa Johnson aka “Ressa Teesa” the tiktoker who published a 50 part series of “Who TF Did I Marry?” I’ve watched the entire 50 videos. She is a great storyteller and I really enjoyed her personal story because so many women of all color, size and gender can relate. I think this is the main reason Ms. Johnson story went viral and so many people gravitated to her story regardless of the backlash she has received in putting her vulnerability and her marriage on display for the entire world to demolish and dissect with their own opinions and commentary of her and her marriage.

The reason she put out the story is to bring awareness to the red flags in a relationship and don’t ignore your intuition when it’s telling you something is not right with the individual you are dating or married too. Because it can save you months and years of wasted time and heart aches in which so many of us have experience one time or another in life. This story is relatable to any relationship and all relationships because we all have been a victim and lied to, or mistreated by someone that we thought really loved us. We all know hurt people hurt people. I applaud all the women and men who have supported Ms. Johnson regardless of admitting to her own flaws in her relationship with Legion.

Once her story was out I did not like the derogatory comments that was said on a professional syndicated radio show viewed by millions that tune in to listen and watched on a daily basis. The main host of the show stated that ” I hear a lot of big back behavior in her story, is she a big back? The black female co-host replied, “yeah she do put you in mind of sheila coming up the mountain. The main host replied, “Sheila was beautiful though”. Then he went on to imply, “that some of yall big back be thirsty for a man, yall be wanting a man so bad”, as he reference Ms. Johnson story. I didn’t like the “Big Back” comment whatsoever. This comment is demeaning, disrespectful, and humiliating to all plus size women regardless if they have big backs or not.

What does this woman personal relationship has to do with her size? If Ms. Johnson was skinny this will not be a topic for debate or discussion. By her being a beautiful plus size woman certain radio host made it their business to scorn and body shame her on their public platform viewed by millions. And they wonder why the backlash was so detrimental because words hurt and words sometimes cuts deeper than any physical cut that heals in no time while emotional hurt last a lifetime. I think people who have endured emotional abuse felt the insults were hurtful to hear. This celebrity male talk show host who calls himself an advocate for mental illness has degraded women especially black women for years. This man need to do a deep soul search and educate himself on how to respect women in general because he still has a lot of work to do within himself.

I will end this blog by saying if your an influencer, celebrity radio host, or just plane jane who lives an average life think before you speak because the words you say to a friend, a love one, a colleague, or a stranger holds the power to inspire them or to demolish them. Words of encouragement can sometimes last a lifetime. Until next time stay safe, stay bless, and do better.

Will big Corporations be the Downfall for Middle-Class?

The greed of corporations has caused an uproar in America. Writers are striking, real estate is spiking, food prices are soaring, politicians are feuding, and the middle class is gradually dwindling. The big corporations are making billions prominently off the backs of the working class as they bestow millions towards their favorite political party that allows them to shape labor laws and regulations in their favor by furthering the disadvantages of the working class.

The elites can also debate that the huge corporations do fuel the working class by offering them a stable career with benefits and opportunities for advancement within the company earning them higher wages for an early retirement. They can also argue that big corporations contributed to income inequality and to the concentration of wealth that created the middle class, distinguishing them from the working class.

There are many corporations advancing in outsourcing and automation which has led to job losses and wage stagnation for the working class. Some of the major corporations are steadily cutting costs to increase efficiency by replacing humans with machines. The difference between the working class and the middle class will not matter because each class will soon merge into one.

No matter what class you prefer it’s crucial that every American votes because your voice do matter. It’s time to stand against corporate greed and start holding our politicians and legislators responsible for the debacle of the economy, I guarantee change will occur. The government will have to set stricter rules and regulations for large corporations especially if they keep outsourcing cheap labor for higher profits that deludes to selling their goods back to the American people.

My Upcoming Projects

Hi world! I’ve been grinding putting the finishing touches on my movie script and my second book that I’ve been working on for years while still working in the healthcare field. I do procrastinate a lot and to my fellow writers this is a no no please write even when you don’t feel like writing because it will definitely slow down your writing projects. Take your time quality is better than quantity. As a writer I put years of blood, sweat, and tears in my long anticipating projects only to share with the rest of the world. Soon I will be able to finally retire from the healthcare field to solely travel the world and write good books, content, and movie scripts that the world will enjoy. Writing is very hard and it’s not easy. You definitely have to have passion to write in order to be a writer. The more time you put in it the better your craft will be. If your an independent writer like myself please keep your day job until you can solely live off your royalty and your residuals. Until next time stay bless.

God’s Purpose Has Always Been To Prosper His People!

Even though mankind’s wickedness and depravity had grown so much that it covered the earth, God kept a holy remnant of people through whom He put His blessing. After the flood, God again revealed His will to bless and prosper His people…God blessed Noah and his sons..(Genesis 9:1). He gave them the animals, fish, and every living thing for their food.

He gave them power and dominion over the earth and told them..even as the green herb have I given you all things(Genesis 9:3). He gave them ALL THINGS! God’s intention was the same that it was for Adam and Eve. He blessed Noah and his sons with His abundance and gave them everything that they needed. Noah and his family enjoyed a total provision from God’s hand.  

God’s purpose remains the same today. In the midst of a wicked and perverse generation of people who have turned away from Him, God has raised a holy, end-time remnant upon whom He will pour His blessings in an end-time, financial anointing. He will use this remnant to accomplish His purpose on the earth.

-Retrieved from: Financial Freedom Bible by Morris Cerullo

The Law of the Harvest

God has instituted a very basic law of the harvest. It is a perpetual, natural law of sowing and reaping. As long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime (a time to plow up the ground and sow the seed). There will also be a harvest (a time to gather the fruits of the seeds). 

This is a natural law that God established in the very beginning. When a man plants good seeds, he knows that if the right conditions are met (good soil and proper amount of water and exposure to the sun), then the seed will germinate and grow. It is not a matter of weather or not they will grow; there is no doubt.

The seed possesses within itself the ability to multiply. A seed multiplies seeds. In some instances hundreds of seeds come from one seed. All truth is parallel (between the natural and the spiritual). There is a natural harvest, and there is a spiritual harvest. As long as you live, there will be a seedtime and harvest for you. God gives you the privilege of sowing seeds that will produce a harvest in your life.

The good seeds that you sow are the things that you give (your time, your love, your faithfulness, and your act of kindness). However, there are also bad seeds that you could sow (such as hatred, unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, and rebellion). Whatever seed you sow, weather good or bad, you can know, beyond any doubt, that you will reap a harvest. Your gift and offering to God are the good seeds that you sow. As you give of yourself, your time, your abilities, and your finances to God, you plant good seeds. You can expect that God will multiply the seeds and that you will reap a harvest.

What kind of harvest do you need in your finances? Before you can reap your harvest, you must first plant your seeds through giving. You may reach a point of desperation. Your finances may be so low that you think you cannot afford to give. Take a step of faith, and give God the biggest and best seed possible. Sow it into fertile soil (good ground)—-into a church or ministry where souls are being won into the kingdom of God, and lives are being changed, saved, healed, and delivered by the power of God.

He will use the seeds that you sow to produce the harvest that you need. Sow your seeds-then, get ready to reap your harvest! God will not fail to meet your need.

(To discover how your entire life is a seed that you sow please see John 12:24-25.) 

_ Retrieved from:Financial Freedom Bible by Morris Cerullo

A Free Gift You Can Give

Thanksgiving is a day to spend with family and friends. It’s also a day to be thankful. I awake this morning thanking God for blessing me to see another day. I thank him for my health and strength and to keep me in my right mind. It’s the little things that we sometimes take for granted in life. 

Thanksgiving is also a day to serve rather it be in a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, nursing home, hospital, or just sending coffee and donuts to your colleagues, first responders and police officers who are on duty today just to show your appreciation. You might have an elderly neighbor who lives alone who don’t have a family,  invite them over for dinner, you’ll be surprised a little compassion can last a lifetime.

What are you thankful for today? If you’re alone today on Thanksgiving call that friend or loved one just to let them know you love them, you miss them, and your calling just to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving because tomorrow is not promised to you. The best gift you can give someone even a stranger is the gift of love. It will not cost you a thing to give compassion and love to somebody who desperately needs it. This gift you can give every day throughout the year and not just on holidays.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.

When To Let Go and Let God

dead end picRelationships in general can be tough some harder than others, and I have had my share of rough relationships, rather it’s a friendship, a love relationship, or just a relationship with a family member. Lets face it relationships are hard and you must have a lot of patience and compassion if your willing to work on any type of relationship to make it better. When do you know it’s time to walk away from a relationship? This is only my perspective on this topic and I can speak on it through my own personal experience in bad relationships. First of all never go into a relationship thinking you need or have to change that person, you only setting yourself up for disaster. A relationship is 50/50 give and take; but if you’re always the giver of the relationship and never the receiver then your relationship is very unstable. When a person genuinely loves you he will not only say it; but he will also show it. If you have to keep nagging or whining to your partner about why you don’t call or come over it’s a clear sign that he has moved on without telling you or he’s just not interested in you anymore. When it gets to this point you have to let it go. Never play second best to anybody when you’re in a relationship if you’re not top priority in his life then you don’t need to be in that relationship with him. Real love is not complicated, it’s only complicated when you’re not content with the one your with. Love, should also be a two-way street not a one-way street. If your intuition is telling you that something is not right in your relationship please listen to your intuition because it will never lie to you. You might not want to be believe what you’re feeling is true; but if all the red flags are there in front of you warning you then it’s up to you to stay in a dead-end relationship or leave and find happiness elsewhere. Regardless of how much you love him sometimes you have to let it go especially if he is not willing to change on his own. In order for a relationship to work two people have to grow together and be consistent in their relationship. You never know what type of relationship you have until it’s been tested. If that person walks out on you or turn their back on you when your down and out then you know in your heart that this person is not for you. Sometimes God can take you through something so he can show you who your true friends really are. He is not only testing you; but he is also testing them. If your crying and your sad 90% of the time in a relationship and the bad out ways the good then you know it’s time to move on from this dead-end relationship. Always put God first in everything you do, I promise, you will never go wrong; let him guide your path and your journey. Once you do this he will lead you towards your destination in life. Life is too short to be miserable all the time, don’t look for someone else to make you happy. Your happiness starts with you and only you can live your life to the fullest.

The Feeling of not Belonging

Loneliness is one of the greatest problems that people face. Into our loneliness and the feeling of not belonging, the Bible says, God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”(John 3:16). We can be in a crowd, we can be at a party, and we can all of a sudden feel lonely. Do you know what that is? That is loneliness for God. We were made in the image of God, made for fellowship with God.

When we are away from God when we are sinning against God, and we have broken God’s laws, and we have disobeyed Him. He still wants to put His arms around us and say,” I Love You.” From the cross God is saying to us, “I Love You.”

Almighty God, who is from everlasting to everlasting, the Creator of the whole universe, loves you and is interested in you as if you were the only person who ever lived. God says, “ I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV).

_Billy Graham

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine…. And I love you.”_Isaiah 43:1